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Log-In Guide to UEM Server

Entgra's Unified Endpoinment Management (UEM) server is used for managing the applications that EMM admins may use to manage devices.

To log in to this portal;

  1. Go to the Endpoint Management app using your browser. This can be accessed with the following url format if you are using Entgra On-Premise server, https://Replace-Your-IP-Address:9443/endpoint-mgt For example https://localhost:9443/endpoint-mgt

  2. The browser will be redirected to the log-in page.

  3. Enter your credentials in the screen that appears.

    Log In Guide

  4. Read our browser Cookie Policy to understand and clarify what we use cookies for.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Alternatively, if you are on a cloud deployment, go to the Endpoint Management console using your browser.

    Also you can use WSO2 Asgardeo log-in to proceed. Contact us at to enable this. Follow our documentation on cloud enrollment.